Chick-fil-a seems to have taken a page out of Mitt Romney's book. They want to appease everyone, make the most money possible, and not talk about the things about them that suck. Too bad Chick-Fil-A, you are a company, and so the people have a right to know how you roll.
Remember over the summer when Chick-Fil-A's president Dan Cathy told the world that he supported traditional marriage only? Then there was Chick-Fil-A appreciation day, and the kiss in. And then everyone on Facebook was like "omg I'm so sick of hearing about chick-fil-a!" even though they claim to support equality. And then it died down because people have the attention span of flies these days.
Well, they are back. According to a news story a few days ago, Chicago alderman (what is an alderman by the way? what a weird title) Joe Moreno claimed that Chick-Fil-A had stopped donating to anti- gay groups like focus on the family and that Mr. Moreno would stop blocking Chick-Fil-A from opening in Chicago. This could have been great news. Chick-Fil-A released a statement saying that they treat every person "with honor, dignity, and respect regardless of their belief, race, creed, sexual orientation, or gender." This should have been a giant step forward, showing that inequality in the work place is not tolerated in America.
BUT. Then, all the anti-gay people that went out and ate those sandwiches that day got super upset. Chick-Fil-A had caved to the pressure, their faith was weak. How could this company do this to all the people that went out in droves to show that equality is not an American value.
And then, Dan Cathy and friends must have had a secret meeting with the Mittster. Because they found the secret loophole solution. They found a way to secretly funnel money into their anti-equality organizations, appease the conservatives, be allowed to open in Chicago, AND get pro-equality people to advertise for them. I wish I was this talented.
There is an article on here at that explains the funneling of money pretty well. Basically it goes like this: Chick-Fil-A runs/owns Winshape ---> Winshape has a "ride for the family" which raises money to donate to an anti-gay group called Marriage and Family foundation ---> checks are to be made out to that foundation and mailed to 5200 Buffington Rd, Atlanta, GA. which is the same address as Chick-Fil-A inc in GA (presumably the HQ). Seriously, I couldn't make this up, Google map that will see Chick-Fil-A inc.
When you Google that address, you do NOT see, however, a marriage and family foundation. This implies that they either share the same building or are the same company. It is also interesting that Chick-Fil-A never claimed to stop donating money to these groups, Moreno did. And when asked neither Chick-Fil-A or Focus on the Family will say if they are still financially connected.
This is NOT about freedom of speech or religion or whatever you think it is about. Dan Cathy can stand on a soap box and talk about how much he hates people all day, I don't really care. Its the fact that this company is trying to 1) not support equality 2) get credit for supposedly improving 3) appease everyone while actively excluding and clearly not supporting everyone.
Seriously. Waffle fries are not worth this.
Of course I act entitled, it's because I am.
I feel like the word entitlement is being thrown around a lot as this bad word. People keep thinking they are entitled to stuff, and this is bad somehow.
Entitlement (noun): the fact of having a right to something. <-that is the whole dictionary definition of this terrible terrible word. Having a right to something.
So when you are at the mall and you see that sixteen year old say to their mom, "no, I NEED the Hollister jeans mom!" and she says, "Don't act so entitled." That is normal, the teenager is acting as though he has a right to $75 jeans that he will wear once. This is not a right, he has no right to those jeans.
When you go to the factory that those jeans are being made in and the workers are sick with deadly diseases from the chemical they spray on them to make them look "worn in", and they say, "We really deserve better working conditions." (they don't actually say it like that, but you get the point) THAT is entitlement, AND it is GOOD. Those workers are ENTITLED to not die because of their job. They are ENTITLED to get paid enough to live and eat and support their families.
When Republicans complain about the left wing sense of entitlement, I feel no sense of shame or need to back down. I AM entitled. I am entitled to a roof. To a good meal (maybe a few). To healthcare that is actually affordable. To a job, and to not get fired from said job because of (insert dumb discriminatory reason here). And to get paid the same as my male counterparts (or more because, lets be honest, I'm the best). I do not think these things make me spoiled or bratty or lazy. I think they make me human.
But here's the thing, I also think that people who aren't me deserve the same stuff. (I know, this gets crazy so I hope you can follow). I think that other people (poor people, non-white people, queer people, homeless people, people with disabilities, etc) ALSO DESERVE BASIC HUMAN RIGHTS AND DIGNITY. There is no, "I'm sorry person, but you are (discriminated person) which means you are lazy and therefore do not deserve my help." Nope, that is not ok. ALL people have a right to (at the very very minimum) food, shelter, and medicine.
I think less people should be on food stamps. But the solution isn't to take everyone off them and then have a bunch of people in poverty instead. You know what, "those people", you know the ones that use food stamps, they ARE entitled, and they should be. They have a right to feed their families. The ones in the homeless shelter, the ones you won't give a buck to because he's probably going to buy beer with it, they are also entitled, they have a right to a roof, even if that roof is a homeless shelter. How is taking away those things that are helping to sustain them going to help? Maybe the welfare system needs a little bit of reform, maybe we need to put more effort in to job assistance. Maybe we should have showers in the homeless shelters, and suits to rent for job interviews. Maybe we should raise the minimum wage so that when somebody finally does find a job they can actually live on said job, and rent an apartment with that money. $7.40/hr even at full time WILL NOT be enough to live on. That person will remain homeless and probably lose their job.
And why is the idea of helping out your fellow man when he is at his lowest such an "Anti-American" idea?
Please keep telling me that my friends and I are entitled. I will keep saying, thanks for noticing. Please keep calling "those welfare people" entitled. The more entitled people we have in this world, the more change might actually happen.
Entitlement (noun): the fact of having a right to something. <-that is the whole dictionary definition of this terrible terrible word. Having a right to something.
So when you are at the mall and you see that sixteen year old say to their mom, "no, I NEED the Hollister jeans mom!" and she says, "Don't act so entitled." That is normal, the teenager is acting as though he has a right to $75 jeans that he will wear once. This is not a right, he has no right to those jeans.
When you go to the factory that those jeans are being made in and the workers are sick with deadly diseases from the chemical they spray on them to make them look "worn in", and they say, "We really deserve better working conditions." (they don't actually say it like that, but you get the point) THAT is entitlement, AND it is GOOD. Those workers are ENTITLED to not die because of their job. They are ENTITLED to get paid enough to live and eat and support their families.
When Republicans complain about the left wing sense of entitlement, I feel no sense of shame or need to back down. I AM entitled. I am entitled to a roof. To a good meal (maybe a few). To healthcare that is actually affordable. To a job, and to not get fired from said job because of (insert dumb discriminatory reason here). And to get paid the same as my male counterparts (or more because, lets be honest, I'm the best). I do not think these things make me spoiled or bratty or lazy. I think they make me human.
But here's the thing, I also think that people who aren't me deserve the same stuff. (I know, this gets crazy so I hope you can follow). I think that other people (poor people, non-white people, queer people, homeless people, people with disabilities, etc) ALSO DESERVE BASIC HUMAN RIGHTS AND DIGNITY. There is no, "I'm sorry person, but you are (discriminated person) which means you are lazy and therefore do not deserve my help." Nope, that is not ok. ALL people have a right to (at the very very minimum) food, shelter, and medicine.
I think less people should be on food stamps. But the solution isn't to take everyone off them and then have a bunch of people in poverty instead. You know what, "those people", you know the ones that use food stamps, they ARE entitled, and they should be. They have a right to feed their families. The ones in the homeless shelter, the ones you won't give a buck to because he's probably going to buy beer with it, they are also entitled, they have a right to a roof, even if that roof is a homeless shelter. How is taking away those things that are helping to sustain them going to help? Maybe the welfare system needs a little bit of reform, maybe we need to put more effort in to job assistance. Maybe we should have showers in the homeless shelters, and suits to rent for job interviews. Maybe we should raise the minimum wage so that when somebody finally does find a job they can actually live on said job, and rent an apartment with that money. $7.40/hr even at full time WILL NOT be enough to live on. That person will remain homeless and probably lose their job.
And why is the idea of helping out your fellow man when he is at his lowest such an "Anti-American" idea?
Please keep telling me that my friends and I are entitled. I will keep saying, thanks for noticing. Please keep calling "those welfare people" entitled. The more entitled people we have in this world, the more change might actually happen.
World Suicide Prevention Day
This week is suicide prevention awareness week and today is world suicide prevention day. This is something that has always been important to me, and something I've always talked about. If you are hurting and you feel alone, it is so important to know that you are not alone. There are so many places to turn to for help, so much hope for the future.
There are so so many organizations, causes, walks, numbers that are there to help those who are hurting. Sometime at the beginning of my time at Eastern I learned about To Write Love on Her Arms, an organization that pretty much everybody is aware of now. This is an organization that works to raise money to help people find the help they need if they are struggling with suicide or addiction. It is incredible.
Recently the It Gets Better Project was born out of need to let kids and young adults know that life will not always be as terrible as it is now. This project is geared towards bullied queer kids, but these messages are good for everyone to hear. The point is, no matter what the struggle is, there is somewhere to turn.
Throughout college I watched my friends lose their friends to suicide. I was aquiantances with some, and with others had only heard their names in funny stories and tales of great friendship. But these people, during my time at eastern, had never been my close friends or the people I spent time with. This doesn't take away from those lives lost, or the lives impacted. It was horrible to have to watch the people I cared about go through that. Knowing all along what we knew about all the places they could have turned to.
Of all the times I have had facebook statuses (which don't really mean anything), or talked to my friends, or even held an event once, about how there is always hope...suicide continues to be the 3rd leading cause of death among young people today. That number is only behind gun violence and car accidents. My generation, which if I may say so, is the best generation, is dying because we are either 1) killing each other 2) crashing our cars or 3) taking our own lives. Accidents happen, but 1 and 3 can be prevented. (well so can number 2, but its different)
One year ago I got that horrible call, that I imagine most of the readers of this blog have received at one point or another. The voice on the other end told me that George Jansson had taken his life. George was someone that I had known since (and then I don't really know) either late middle or early high school. Either way, for as long as I can remember George had been around. George and I worked together at this pizza place/liquor store for a short time, we worked together on class projects in high school, he was there with a smile if I needed one. I don't think it comes as a shock to anyone that knew George that he was one of the best people I ever knew. And that news was...well I guess there aren't really good words to describe what that news is like. But if you've received it you know, and if you haven't I hope you never do.
Someone told me that that the best thing to do when you lose someone important is to honor their memory, its better than just being gloomy. So I'm writing this blog in honor of George and all the lives lost to suicide which are too many to mention. And I want to make sure that anybody that needs help, anybody that feels alone, knows there is hope. There are places to turn. And if you call that number and they tell you it is a prank call and hang up on you (yeah I heard that happened to someone) then call me, or call somewhere else, or call 911 if you have to.
Visit the trevor project online or call
Learn about the reality of depression and other mental health issues. Help to stand up and fight the stigma of these issues. If you are not struggling with depression, stand up and fight for your friends who are struggling silently because they are afraid to talk about it. MEN: tell your friends it is ok to feel depressed and it is OK to ask for help, even dudes need help sometimes. Women: men are less likely to ask for help, but women struggle with it to, so let your friends know they can ask for help.
If only to honor the memory of those lives lost, ask for help. Reach out to someone. This way our generation doesn't lose anymore.
There are so so many organizations, causes, walks, numbers that are there to help those who are hurting. Sometime at the beginning of my time at Eastern I learned about To Write Love on Her Arms, an organization that pretty much everybody is aware of now. This is an organization that works to raise money to help people find the help they need if they are struggling with suicide or addiction. It is incredible.
Recently the It Gets Better Project was born out of need to let kids and young adults know that life will not always be as terrible as it is now. This project is geared towards bullied queer kids, but these messages are good for everyone to hear. The point is, no matter what the struggle is, there is somewhere to turn.
Throughout college I watched my friends lose their friends to suicide. I was aquiantances with some, and with others had only heard their names in funny stories and tales of great friendship. But these people, during my time at eastern, had never been my close friends or the people I spent time with. This doesn't take away from those lives lost, or the lives impacted. It was horrible to have to watch the people I cared about go through that. Knowing all along what we knew about all the places they could have turned to.
Of all the times I have had facebook statuses (which don't really mean anything), or talked to my friends, or even held an event once, about how there is always hope...suicide continues to be the 3rd leading cause of death among young people today. That number is only behind gun violence and car accidents. My generation, which if I may say so, is the best generation, is dying because we are either 1) killing each other 2) crashing our cars or 3) taking our own lives. Accidents happen, but 1 and 3 can be prevented. (well so can number 2, but its different)
One year ago I got that horrible call, that I imagine most of the readers of this blog have received at one point or another. The voice on the other end told me that George Jansson had taken his life. George was someone that I had known since (and then I don't really know) either late middle or early high school. Either way, for as long as I can remember George had been around. George and I worked together at this pizza place/liquor store for a short time, we worked together on class projects in high school, he was there with a smile if I needed one. I don't think it comes as a shock to anyone that knew George that he was one of the best people I ever knew. And that news was...well I guess there aren't really good words to describe what that news is like. But if you've received it you know, and if you haven't I hope you never do.
Someone told me that that the best thing to do when you lose someone important is to honor their memory, its better than just being gloomy. So I'm writing this blog in honor of George and all the lives lost to suicide which are too many to mention. And I want to make sure that anybody that needs help, anybody that feels alone, knows there is hope. There are places to turn. And if you call that number and they tell you it is a prank call and hang up on you (yeah I heard that happened to someone) then call me, or call somewhere else, or call 911 if you have to.
Visit the trevor project online or call
Learn about the reality of depression and other mental health issues. Help to stand up and fight the stigma of these issues. If you are not struggling with depression, stand up and fight for your friends who are struggling silently because they are afraid to talk about it. MEN: tell your friends it is ok to feel depressed and it is OK to ask for help, even dudes need help sometimes. Women: men are less likely to ask for help, but women struggle with it to, so let your friends know they can ask for help.
If only to honor the memory of those lives lost, ask for help. Reach out to someone. This way our generation doesn't lose anymore.
Somebody please explain this to me
Things I don't understand about the conservative arguments:
1) What is the plan after you cut funding for education so much that teachers are getting paid basically nothing and our public school system collapses? The answer can not be private schools. If that is the answer, you have no idea how good you have it. Where will the kids go whose families can't afford private school? Why would you want to eliminate the thing that will make America the most competitive? And the real thing that sucks is that the best teachers aren't in it for the money. All of the teachers I know love their students and are passionate about wanting them to succeed. The money is second. Of course they wish they were making more so their lives were easier, but the kids are the most important part of the job. Maybe a business man can't understand that. But their is more to a job than the money you get every two weeks. So what exactly are we as a country going to do when the public school system collapses?
2) Why do you insist on calling yourself pro-life? That bothers me so much. I know a few conservative people who are really pro-life, but the Republican platform and base are not. Pro-life means that you are anti-death. So, fine you are anti-abortion that's pro-life. But what about the death penalty? What about war? What about poverty? What about health care? What about hate crimes? So basically your plan is to save all the babies, and then have them live in a world where they might die before they see age two because their mom is too poor to feed them or take them to the doctor. (fact: Flint has one of the highest infant mortality rates in in the country) You want this baby you saved to grow up uneducated and more likely to turn to crime, putting him on death row and killing him that way. You want people who are different to be able to be killed for who they are. You want to send 18 year old kids overseas to die for oil. These thing are not pro-life. At least you saved a baby, but that baby will have a horrible life and die early.
3) What is the problem with taxes? Do you understand how taxes work? Everybody pays money into a pot and now we can buy something for everyone to use. Firefighters, police officers, schools, roads, public parks, all things that you use and need are paid for with taxes. I don't understand the "we can't have universal health care because it will raise our taxes" argument. Of course it will, but guess what, now everybody gets to use it. Even drug dealers and murderers deserve a little bit of healthcare, we need to have it available so people don't die. Nobody deserves to die, especially just because they didn't have access to a doctor. Not even criminals or lazy people. We need these public services, we all use them. It doesn't make any sense to have to pay to have someone come put a fire out. You're not understanding what it is like to be poor if you think that is ok.
4) Why do you need to say you are for religious freedom? It is impossible to be for religious freedom, but then also not want those darn Muslims to have a mosque near you. You are not for religious freedom, you are for Christian control. And, since you also might call yourself a constitutionalist, lets talk about the constitution. It says pretty clearly that congress shall make no law respecting one religion. So that means that Muslims, Jews, Christians, and all the other religions get to be free to worship and practice their religions. It does not mean that Christians get to rule the country and make everyone live the morals of Christianity.
5) Why are you REALLY against marriage equality? Do not say anything about slippery slopes. There are already thousands of same-sex couples living essentially married (sharing a house, finances, children, love, etc) and in states like Mass, Iowa, NY, etc same-sex couples are getting married. And nowhere have I seen an outbreak of people wanting to marry dogs, toasters, monkeys, couches or whatever else is supposed to happen once people can get married. There is no slippery slope, that argument is invalid, try again. Because the Bible says so? OK but we just covered the whole religious freedom thing, so you can't really stop someone from doing something just because it is against your religion. So why is it? Because same-sex couples don't count? Because it grosses you out? Because it makes you feel uncomfortable? I really want to know, because so far it just seems like conservative people are against it because it's weird to them.
6) So, you hate marriage equality. That's fine, but why are you against hate crimes laws? Do you want gay kids to get killed? Or black people? Or Latinos? I really really don't understand that. What about hate crimes laws could possibly be bad?
7) Why do you hate women? Oh, I know, you don't hate women, you love them. As long as they are controlling themselves. If you don't hate women why did you block the Lily Ledbetter act? Why should women not get paid the same amount as men? Why should women have to justify the crimes committed against them? Why are women at the hands of men for the decisions they make? Do you want women to get paid less in order to encourage them to stay home? That is obviously not working, and it's not really fair to women who you claim to love. (who you are should not be a factor of how qualified you are).
Those are the top 7 things I don't get about the conservative thought process. There are millions more. But I just really don't get it. I try to understand where everyone is coming from, but seriously, conservative people, you are making it really hard.
1) What is the plan after you cut funding for education so much that teachers are getting paid basically nothing and our public school system collapses? The answer can not be private schools. If that is the answer, you have no idea how good you have it. Where will the kids go whose families can't afford private school? Why would you want to eliminate the thing that will make America the most competitive? And the real thing that sucks is that the best teachers aren't in it for the money. All of the teachers I know love their students and are passionate about wanting them to succeed. The money is second. Of course they wish they were making more so their lives were easier, but the kids are the most important part of the job. Maybe a business man can't understand that. But their is more to a job than the money you get every two weeks. So what exactly are we as a country going to do when the public school system collapses?
2) Why do you insist on calling yourself pro-life? That bothers me so much. I know a few conservative people who are really pro-life, but the Republican platform and base are not. Pro-life means that you are anti-death. So, fine you are anti-abortion that's pro-life. But what about the death penalty? What about war? What about poverty? What about health care? What about hate crimes? So basically your plan is to save all the babies, and then have them live in a world where they might die before they see age two because their mom is too poor to feed them or take them to the doctor. (fact: Flint has one of the highest infant mortality rates in in the country) You want this baby you saved to grow up uneducated and more likely to turn to crime, putting him on death row and killing him that way. You want people who are different to be able to be killed for who they are. You want to send 18 year old kids overseas to die for oil. These thing are not pro-life. At least you saved a baby, but that baby will have a horrible life and die early.
3) What is the problem with taxes? Do you understand how taxes work? Everybody pays money into a pot and now we can buy something for everyone to use. Firefighters, police officers, schools, roads, public parks, all things that you use and need are paid for with taxes. I don't understand the "we can't have universal health care because it will raise our taxes" argument. Of course it will, but guess what, now everybody gets to use it. Even drug dealers and murderers deserve a little bit of healthcare, we need to have it available so people don't die. Nobody deserves to die, especially just because they didn't have access to a doctor. Not even criminals or lazy people. We need these public services, we all use them. It doesn't make any sense to have to pay to have someone come put a fire out. You're not understanding what it is like to be poor if you think that is ok.
4) Why do you need to say you are for religious freedom? It is impossible to be for religious freedom, but then also not want those darn Muslims to have a mosque near you. You are not for religious freedom, you are for Christian control. And, since you also might call yourself a constitutionalist, lets talk about the constitution. It says pretty clearly that congress shall make no law respecting one religion. So that means that Muslims, Jews, Christians, and all the other religions get to be free to worship and practice their religions. It does not mean that Christians get to rule the country and make everyone live the morals of Christianity.
5) Why are you REALLY against marriage equality? Do not say anything about slippery slopes. There are already thousands of same-sex couples living essentially married (sharing a house, finances, children, love, etc) and in states like Mass, Iowa, NY, etc same-sex couples are getting married. And nowhere have I seen an outbreak of people wanting to marry dogs, toasters, monkeys, couches or whatever else is supposed to happen once people can get married. There is no slippery slope, that argument is invalid, try again. Because the Bible says so? OK but we just covered the whole religious freedom thing, so you can't really stop someone from doing something just because it is against your religion. So why is it? Because same-sex couples don't count? Because it grosses you out? Because it makes you feel uncomfortable? I really want to know, because so far it just seems like conservative people are against it because it's weird to them.
6) So, you hate marriage equality. That's fine, but why are you against hate crimes laws? Do you want gay kids to get killed? Or black people? Or Latinos? I really really don't understand that. What about hate crimes laws could possibly be bad?
7) Why do you hate women? Oh, I know, you don't hate women, you love them. As long as they are controlling themselves. If you don't hate women why did you block the Lily Ledbetter act? Why should women not get paid the same amount as men? Why should women have to justify the crimes committed against them? Why are women at the hands of men for the decisions they make? Do you want women to get paid less in order to encourage them to stay home? That is obviously not working, and it's not really fair to women who you claim to love. (who you are should not be a factor of how qualified you are).
Those are the top 7 things I don't get about the conservative thought process. There are millions more. But I just really don't get it. I try to understand where everyone is coming from, but seriously, conservative people, you are making it really hard.
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